Tuesday, March 15, 2016

[Fitness] Power Ex. 1 - Explosive Swing Drill

Source: The Golf Rx (by Vijay Vad, with Dave Allen)

  • Explosive Swing Drill
"One excellent way to do this is to find a club or training stick that is approximately 15 percent lighter than your average club and swing it, making sure to maintain your balance all the way into the finish. (You should be able to hold your finish for a count of five seconds.) Start with eight sets of three repetitions the first week, swinging at 60 percent of your max. Gradually increase the speed each week until you’re swinging at about 110 percent. “The goal is to teach your body to move quicker and more explosively,”

Allen, Dave; Vad, Vijay (2007-03-15). Golf Rx: A 15-Minute-a-Day Core Program for More Yards and Less Pain (p. 37). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition."

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